We welcome you to the School District of New London. If you are looking for a high quality school with a passion and belief that each individual has their own learning path to the future, you are in the right place. Success is defined by individual dreams and desires in a supportive environment always looking for ways to empower you to lead your learning. Each individual’s story is important and we value the whole student. Come see all New London has to offer and I know you will be pleased.
Scott Bleck
District Administrator
The School District of New London is located in East Central Wisconsin on the border of Waupaca and Outagamie counties. It covers 144 square miles in three counties with an approximate population of 18,000 and a tax base of just over one billion dollars.
The School District of New London serves approximately 2300 students. It is comprised of a white (86%), Hispanic (9%) and other (5%) student population. Bilingual programs are offered at Lincoln Elementary School, Parkview Elementary School, Intermediate/Middle School, and the High School.
Thirty-six percent of our district's students qualify for free and reduced lunch and about 16% qualify for special education services. Poverty rates at individual schools include: Lincoln Elementary School = 58%, Parkview Elementary School = 41%, Readfield Elementary School = 16%, Sugar Bush Elementary School = 46%, Intermediate/Middle School = 36%, High School = 27%.
The district employs over 325 full and part time individuals and is the third largest employer in the City of New London.
As Associated Press analysis of data collected for the U.S. Department of Education shows out of the 39 states reporting, Wisconsin was tops in the nation for having the most highly qualified public school teachers. According to the report, highly qualified teachers teach 100% of Wisconsin's public school classes. "Highly Qualified" means that in core curricular areas, the teacher meets all of the requirements of state licensing and preparation laws. The School District of New London mirrors the state average of highly qualified educators. Contact Mr. Scott Bleck, District Administrator, with any questions or additional information on teacher qualifications.
The School District of New London has a general fund budget of $32.8 million and a total budget of $37.1 million dollars. The tax rate for 2024-25 is $5.33 per $1,000 per property value which equates to $799.50 on a property valued at $150,000. The School District of New London strives to create a budget that is clearly understood by the Board of Education, taxpayers, community, staff, and administration. The goal of the budget is to create exceptional learning opportunities for our students in a fiscally responsible manner. We have a great community that supports public education and makes New London a great school district!
For more information about the district's budget, please visit http://www.newlondon.k12.wi.us/district/businesssvcs.cfm or contact Joseph Marquardt, Director of Business Services.
Success for ALL Students
We will be accountable and work together to...
Provide a safe, secure, nurturing environment Establish and maintain school, family, community partnerships Foster students' developmental assets Ensure that students master the essential curriculum Recruit, develop and retain a highly qualified staff Model what is expected Value diversity Meet the needs of the future Achieving the mission of the School District of New London is a responsibility shared by students, families, employees of the district and community.
It is the policy of the School District of New London that no person may be denied admission to any public school in this district or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, public service, recreational, or other program or activity because of the person’s sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, color, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability as required by section 118.13 of the State Statutes. This policy also prohibits discrimination as defined by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (sex), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, national origin), Section 504 Rehabilitation Act (handicap), and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (disability).
The district shall provide appropriate educational services or programs for students who have been identified as having a handicap or disability, regardless of the nature or severity of the handicap or disability. The District shall also provide for the reasonable accommodation of a student’s sincerely held religious beliefs with regard to examinations and other academic requirements.
The District encourages informal resolution of complaints under this policy. A formal complaint procedure is available, however, to address allegations of policy violations in the district.
Any questions concerning policy should be directed to:
Scott Bleck District Administrator School District of New London 901 W. Washington Street New London, WI 54961 (920) 982-8530
Any questions concerning Section 504, Title IX, and Title II-ADA should be directed to:
Kandi Martin Director of Pupil Services School District of New London 1700 Klatt Road New London, WI 54961 (920) 982-8447
Reference Policy 411 / Formal Written Complaint Form